Thematic photo album dedicated to the Motherland Defender Day is published on our website
Thematic photo album "Military theme in the works of Russian sculptors of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century" is published in our photo gallery on the eve of the Motherland Defender Day.
The image of the Russian soldier was one of the popular subjects for the small statuary. Such sculptors as Eugene Lanceray, Aleksander Orłowski, Ivan Kovshenkov, Alexander Radkin, Leonid Sherwood, etc. referred to the theme od war in their works. The figurines, cabinet-type compositions, paperweights and other houseware and interior items made of bronze, help to imagine how a Russian soldier looked like during various historical periods. Detailed reproduction of military uniform immortalized in metal, equipment, military attributes and weapons is of the utmost interest.
Images of the Motherland defenders, immortalized in metal, dozens years later, reflect the mood of courage and bravery, being a reminder of the Russian army military prowess at all times.
Happy holiday, happy Defender’s Day!
Reference to the thematic album: http://collection-museum.com/en/gallery/list.php?section=636