01.04 — 30.04.2015
Historical events and memorials of April

Artist, who worked in Art nouveau style and whose works are known and highly appreciated, jeweler René Jules Lalique (1860-1945) would have the 155th anniversary in April 2016.
He developed and implemented a method of casting under pressure at the plant in Wingen-sur-Moder and a method of blowing opalescent glass, which remains a secret of the firm Lalique. The works of René Lalique occupied the entire pavilion at the World Fair of 1926. Unique vases from the well-known opalescent glass and several sculptural compositions are presented in the collection of the museum.
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Besides, we are celebrating 162 years since the birth of the Russian sculptor Piotr Nikolayevich Turgenev (04.02.1853 – 03.21.1912) - the last of the Turgenev' family. From youth upwards he showed talent. Piotr Turgenev's figurine "The Orlov Trotter" was exhibited at the famous Salon in Paris when he was only 17 years old. After that, Turgenev became the regular participant and the winner of Salons in Paris. He won the Grand Prix of the World Fair in 1889, was awarded by “The Legion of Honor” order in 1897. Turgenev lived all his life in Paris, but his works tightly correlated with Russia. The well-known sculptures by Piotr Turgenev are in the collection of the museum.
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