Items with musical mechanism and automaton

Musical fob seal with automaton

    Musical fob seal with automaton


    Circa 1810

    Steel, brass; mechanical works, gilding, soldering, polishing, chasing

    Height 4.5 cm


    Gilded fob from thin metal in the shape of oval case contains miniature musical movement and automaton with ornately shaped handle. The case lateral surface is decorated with grooving. The case bottom is closed by flat polished hinged lid. The movement activating sliding lever is on the case lateral surface. Volumetric ring-shaped handle is attached the smooth convex upper side. The polished inner surface of the ring is framed from two sides with fine chased rim. The polished external side is decorated with floral and foliage patterns.
    The rod, which winds the movement, passes through the handle ring. Winding crank, made in the form of wide ring is fixed on the rod upper end. The ring, at the same time, serves as suspension. The ribbed sphere adorns the rod inside the handle. The miniature spring-driven musical movement is comprised of pinned cylinder and stack of nine blued steel tuned slats.

