Items with musical mechanism and automaton

Musical fob seal

    Musical fob seal


    Circa 1825

    Gold, steel, brass, enamel; mechanical works, chasing, painted enamel, soldering

    4.4 x 3.0 x 2.3 cm


    Fob seal from pink gold fob, in the form of oval case is comprised of miniature musical movement with openwork handle. Lateral case side is adorned with corrugation. Flat polished lid closes the case bottom side.
    The lever activating the mechanism is on the lateral side. The handle comprised from two openwork elements formed by a pair of connected volutes is attached to the case. Oval medallions and shells are inside the volutes. The embossed profile of a young man made of yellow gold is in one of the medallions. The medallion on the other side is decorated with the painted enamel female portrait. The movement winding shaft with circular suspension on the top that serves for winding passes through the handle. Miniature spring-driven musical movement is comprised of pinned cylinder and a stack of five tuned slats.

