Objects with musical mechanism and automaton

Musical fob seal

    Musical fob seal


    Circa 1830

    Gold, steel, brass; embossing, gilding, mechanical work, soldering

    4.1 x 3 x 2.5 cm


    Golden fob seal is made in the form of an oval case containing a miniature musical mechanism. A handle consisting of two identical openwork lattices made of wire arcs, complemented by polished balls, is soldered to the body from above. The arcs converge under two hemispheres. The case lateral surface is finished with corrugation; the upper convex and flat lower sides are smooth and polished. Rod with annular suspension at the end passes through the handle; it serves to wind the musical mechanism. Silver mark is on the suspension ring. Miniature musical movement with spring engine consists of pinned metal cylinder and a sound comb. A lever placed on the case lateral side activates the movement.

