
Map of the Caucasian territory [in the box]

    Map of the Caucasian territory [in the box]



    Paper, fabric; lithography, watercolors

    128.5 х 135.5 cm


    The horizontal sheet fabric-backed consisting of twenty parts made as lithography with watercolour shading features state and administrative-territorial and ethnic territorial borders of the Caucasus region in 1834 with adjacent territories of neighbouring Turkey and Persia. Topographic specifics of the area, districts and counties, large cities, settlements and nationalities living in these areas are shown.

    On the top right in the cartouche there is an inscription in Russian: "Maps of the Caucasus region with neighbouring lands. Compiled at the General Headquarters of the Caucasian Corps in 1834.” (“Карта Кавказскаго края съ пограничными землями. Составлена при Генеральномъ Штабе Отдельнаго Кавказскаго Корпуса въ 1834 году").

    On the bottom left there is an explication: “The population of the mountain peoples and Transcaucasia settle.” ("Народонаселенiе Горскихъ народовъ и закавказскихъ пров.") with the detailed list of ethnic population and its quantity in every province.
    Scale – an English inch equals twenty versts.
    The subscriptions and inscriptions are in Russian.

    The map is enclosed into the individual cardboard box with press gilding on the top cover "The Map of the Whole Caucasian Territory”.


    "In the first half of the 19th century the maps of Caucasus became much more detailed, a lot of maps of separate regions (“lands”) are created, at the same time the Military Topographic Depot is conducting work on creating the survey maps of the whole Caucasus and adjacent territories which include the data on the topography, nationalities living on this territory, indicated borders, settlements, transport routes, fortifications, fortresses, rivers, lakes ". Quotation, ref.: Kartoyev М.М. Source maps on the history of the North Caucasian region in the military scientific department of Russian State Military Historical Archive (the second half of the 19th century – the 60s of the 19th century) // Bulletin of Russian State University for the Humanities. Historical Sciences Series. 2008, No. 4. p.178.
