Barrel Organs

Portable organ (barrel organ)

    Portable organ (barrel organ)

    Russian Empire, Odessa


    I.Nechada organs and orchestrions factory

    Wood, metal, brass, steel, leather, fabric; casting, woodwork, lathing, marquetry, painting

    58 x 57 x 36 cm

    On the case front side: “НЕЧАДА Балковская № 191 ОДЕССА”. On the keyframe: “2244”; on the blank: “Фабрика органовъ и оркестрiоновъ”, “И. Нечада в Одессѣ.”, “Балковская ул., соб. Домъ № 191”, “Программа № 2244”, “№ 1 Вальсъ Графъ Люксембургъ Клауша”, “2 Полька Тифлисъ”, “3 Яблочко”, “4 Чубанъ Два брата”, “5 Ленури”, “6 Все говорятъ понапрасно Ваня ходитъ”, “7 Бананъ”, “8 Алеша ша”. On the medal reverse squeeze: "Въ упорномъ труде и въ единении сила", "Признательное императорское Доно-Кубано-Терское ОСХ". On the medal averse squeeze: profile of Nicholas II in the laurel wreath


    Barrel organ in wooden veneered case, on the pedestal with curved feet, with brass onlays on the side ribs. All case sides and pedestal are decorated with the images of cherubs with musical instruments, genre scenes in the composed frame, floral ornament in the marquetry technique and onlays with coloured glass. The facade with metal brackets on the side ribs is closed with a removable panel with ornamentation and four windows. Painted images of dancers with ribbons on blue background in vertical windows. A bright bird surrounded by flowers on green background is in horizontal window. A metal bracket with glass inserts of various colours is above. Fourteen metal piccolo pipes with black plugs are in the open window. The inscription is below “НЕЧАДА Балковская No 191 ОДЕССА”. It is placed between two metal onlays with coloured cabochons.  The staples and a carrying strap, trimmed with red velvet, the images of wrestlers in the marquetry technique are on the lateral sides. The pinned barrel lid with an aperture for the axis and six register sliders’ tips with apertures is on the right side. A crank in the form of an anchor, lifting and lowering the keyframe in the operating position is on the right side. The knife and bolt mechanism is beneath. Two black lids with hook locks, with the images of two cherubs with musical instruments in the flowers frame and foliate ornament in the corners are on the top panel. The company blank with the table medal squeeze “Признательного императорского Доно-Кубано-Терского Общества Сельского Хозяйства“ and a handwritten numbered list of melodies are on the back lid inner side. A set of flue pipes is under the front lid. The pinned barrel for eight tunes and the keyframe with number “2244”, notes’ names and twenty-six keys, according to the number of tune are under the back lid. With the keyframe raised, the barrel can be moved along the axis and set to one of eight fixed positions according to the selected tune. An image of a girl with two lambs framed by floral ornament standing in front of the fence, and metal crank with wooden handle are on the rear side.
    As the crank is moved, the worm gear rotates the barrel and drives the bellows that inject air into the wind chest with the valves. Pins and bridges raise the keys that open the valves of the corresponding pipes; the air from the wind chest enters the wind pipes and make them sound. Music media: pinned barrel.

