Barrel Organs

Street organ "Harmonipan"

    Street organ "Harmonipan"



    Wood, metal, brass, steel, leather, fabric; casting, woodwork, lathing, marquetry, varnishing

    60 x 35 x 60 cm, 25.8 kg

    On paper sticker: “Verzeichnis der Stücke: 1 Einmal am Rhein Willi Ostermann 2 Schneewalzer Thomas Koschat 3 An der schonen blauen Donau Johann Strauss Sohn 4 Man müsste nochmal zwanzig sein Gerhard Jussenhoven 5 Flieger Marsch Hermann Dostal 6 Im Prater blühn wieder die Bäume Robert Stolz 7 Die Shlittschuhläufer Emil Waldteufel 8 Radezky Marsch Johann Strauss Vater”. Pencil notes: “30 touches 64 flûtes”


    Street organ in a rectangular case mahogany veneered, on high pedestal with corner feet, reinforced with curved brass onlays. Golden colour moulding is on the pedestal top. Composition of painted leaves and flowers in a narrow frame is on the pedestal front side. The inscription in the frame is on the façade “HARMONIPAN”. Twenty wooden piccolo pipes with black plugs are on the open shelf. Knife and bolt mechanism and a crank that raises and lowers the keyframe in the operating position are on the case left side. Register sliders’ handles with leather straps and pinned barrel round lid are on the right lateral side. Two hinged mahogany lids with hooks are on the top side. Paper sticker with a hand-written list of melodies in German is on the lid inner side. Pinned barrel for eight melodies and a keyframe with thirty keys, according to the number of basic tunes are under it. With the keyframe raised, the barrel can be moved along the axis and set to one of eight fixed positions according to the selected melody. Paper sticker with hand written notes names and list melodies in Latin letters is on the keyframe. Metal crank with wooden handle is on the case rear side.
    As the crank is moved, the worm gear rotates the barrel and drives the bellows that inject air into the wind chest with valves. Pins and bridges on the lift the keys that open the valves of the corresponding pipes. The air from the wind chest enters the pipes and make them sound.

