Lapidary Works of Art and Ivories

Desk seal with the Russian Empire National coat of arms on the lower die

    Desk seal with the Russian Empire National coat of arms on the lower die


    The 19th century

    Rock crystal; carving, gem-cutting, polishing, engraving

    Height 7 cm


    Rock crystal seal made in the form of a fluted column passing through small faceted stem (neck) to round lower die. The seal upper part is in the form of a mushroom cap that is convenient to press, decorated with cut diamonds (top) and the belt of acanthus leaves (the lateral facet). The Russian Empire National coat of arms is carved on the matrix: the image of a two-headed eagle with two crowns, with a scepter and an orb, with Moscow city coat of arms on its chest - St. George, the Victorious equestrian figure, facing right and striking a dragon with his spear. The chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called frames the image.

