Russian Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Mug with detachable lid

    Mug with detachable lid

    Russian Empire, Penza Province, Gorodishchensky district, Nikolskoe village settlement

    The 1840s

    Nikolsko-Pestrovsky Bakhmetev plant

    Milky glass; grinding, blowing, painting with silver

    Height 18.5 cm


    Milky glass mug with cylindrical, slightly tapering body on protruding base with scalloped edge, with faceted handle and detachable lid. The mug body is finished with wide flat vertical facets and decorated with painted rocaille floral ornament, made with silver on the relief layer. Unfilled relief smooth medallion, framed by thin rim is in the body centre. Rims emphasize the body top and bottom parts as well. The base upper part is decorated with the row of painted beads; lips’ edge is with smooth bevel with foliage ornament belt.
    The lid with scalloped edge and small octagonal prominence in the center topped with grip in the form of a mushroom is finished with wide flat vertical facets and decorated with scenic rocaille frieze. The image of a flower on long stem is painted on the handle.

