Russian Glass Art and Ceramic Art



    Russian Empire, Saint-Petersburg

    First third of the 19th century

    Imperial Glass Factory

    Translucent colorless crystal, bronze; blowing, grinding, brilliant-cut (facet cut), casting, chasing, knurling, gilding, mounting

    11.5 x 10.7 x 7.8 cm


    Mug from translucent crystal with bronze belts, spanning the upper and bottom parts, with hinged lid with finial, thumb-ramp and ornately shaped handle. The mug cylindrical body is decorated with faceted "simple diamond" horizontal (at the top and the bottom) and V-shaped belts. The prominent edge for lips has smooth bevel. Multi-pointed star is on the bottom. Bronze belts –“spannings” are adorned with foliage ornament. Dome-shaped lid and rounded finial are decorated with concave patterns. The thumb ramp is in the form of stylized palmette. The upper and lower parts of the smooth handle are decorated with stylized leaves.

