Western European Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Slop-basin with the images of a Ural Cossack and the Black Sea Hundred of the Life Guards Cossack Regiment lower rank soldier (after the drawings by Aleksander Orłowski)

    Slop-basin with the images of a Ural Cossack and the Black Sea Hundred of the Life Guards Cossack Regiment lower rank soldier (after the drawings by Aleksander Orłowski)

    England, Staffordshire

    First third of the 19th century

    Faience; under glaze printing, over glaze painting

    Height 8.3 cm, diameter of the upper edge 15.8 cm


    Faience hemispherical slot-basin on ring-shaped base. The slot-basin body is decorated with two monochrome printed images. The engravings dated 1813, made by unknown English engraver according to the drawings of Aleksander Orłowski and published in London, served as the pattern for them. This was the engraving "The lower rank soldier of the Black Sea Hundred of the Life Guards Cossack Regiment" featuring a Don Cossack of the Patriotic War of 1812 period. He is armed with a spear, sword and rifle, hindward galloping on a horse back. And the engraving “Ural Cossack” with the equestrian image of a Ural Cossack from the Civil home guard of the Patriotic War of 1812 period, armed with a spear and a rifle. The slop-basin base, top edge and inner side are emphasized with black layers.

