Panteleeva, Nina


Nina Vasilievna Panteleeva – popular Soviet singer of the 1940-60’s, the Honored artist of the RSFSR (1968). She was born on December 28, 1923. Initially, having received a secondary musical education, she did not associate her career with music. She entered the Medical Institute, but then she studied at the vocal Department of the city Music school named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. While he was studying in school, the young singer became a soloist of the Sverdlovsk radio Committee.

During the Great Patriotic war, the 20-year-old Nina Panteleeva performed in hospitals, where she with composer and pianist Lyudmila Lyadova. Thus a wonderful musical duet appeared. Since that time, they were performing together successfully and in 1946, they were titled the laureates of the 2nd all-Union competition of variety art artists. After that, Nina Panteleeva was admitted to the second course of the Ural State Conservatory named after Modest Mussorgsky.

After graduating from the Conservatory in 1950, she began working in the Moscow branch of the all-Russian touring and concert Association.

The duet of Lyadova and Panteleeva was very popular. Concerts were held in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Far East, in Leningrad and in the Ukraine... The success accompanied the duet everywhere.

However, in 1951, their duet fell apart on the initiative of Lyadova. Nina Panteleeva started to perform on the stage alone, later she sang together with a piano player Willie Berzin, whom she later married.

Panteleeva soft manner of performance and personality revealed fully and brightly in the solo concerts. Simplicity, naturalness of expression, truthfulness of feeling were considered the main qualities of her vocal performance.