Samonov, Petr
Samonov Petr Alexandrovich. Born in 1863, Sterlitamak, Ufa province. From the family of a military man. Не did not receive formal art education, he studied sculpture individually, beginning from 1884 studied the molding technique sculptors' studios. Travelled to Paris in 1885 with the aim of exploring art works in museums. Attended the sculpture class of the Imperial Academy of Arts as a volunteer in 1886-1887.
Having graduated from Tver Cavalry Junker training school in 1892, he entered the military service in the 9-th Dragoon Cavalry Regiment in Elizavetgrad, where he served until retirement in 1908. Was the officer-inspector of horse-military Mariupol province. Created the regimental museum, participated in the decoration of the regimental celebrations.
Won the competition for creation of a monument to M.D. Skobelev in 1910. The monument was erected in Moscow in 1912 (dismantled in 1918).
Taught at the Odessa Cadet Corps in 1913-1914. Emigrated in 1919. Lived in Yugoslavia, in Belgrade since 1920es, took part in the exhibitions of "Russian Artists' Studio», exhibited bronze sculptures.
P.A. Samonov is the author of a number of genre sculptural compositions, bronze statuettes, and small statuary depicting the theme of Russian army. The author of the sculptural groups from the State Tretyakov Gallery collection: Cossack from Leib Guards Ataman Regiment in the beginning of Alexander III reign" and “Cossack, Lighting up a Pipe”. The sculptures were casted in bronze at the Werfel factory in the end of the XIX th century. Three of his sculptures: “Caucasian Soldier", "Cossack infantryman Saikin" and “A. V. Suvorov” were casted in Kasly.
His bronze sculptures were a prestigious gift for retiring officers from guards’ regiments. Bronze was purchased with the money collected by the officers of the regiment. Silver and bronze statuettes were often bought by senior officials as gifts for the members of the imperial family. Creating miniature bronze sculptures, Samonov developed the traditions of N.I. Liberikh and E.A. Lanceray.