
Album with floral compositions to mark the first day of spring

Spring is the most welcome season of the year. After the long, gloomy winter, nature is awakening; birds are singing lively and early bloomers emerge from under the melting snow. Greetings to all on the coming spring!

The floral studies and compositions in the thematic photo album dedicated to the first day of spring belong to a special group of ornamental stone items called objets d'art. Executed with diligent efficiency, they are often not just examples of plants made from precious materials, hence are separate works of lapidary art.

To welcome the first day of comimg spring  a photo album with floral compositions is posted in the museum Photo Gallery.

Spring is not just one of the seasons. It is one of nature's ancient symbols of renewal and rebirth. People always think that with the rough winter, snowstorms and cold weather, all troubles, illnesses and problems of life fade, to be replaced by joy, success and prosperity.

There is a beautiful legend that on the last day of winter, Bogatyrs (warrior heroes of Russian folk epics), representing the polarities of good and evil of nature, clash violently. The cold and merciless Winter Bogatyr is striving to ensure that the sunrays never warm our land again. However, the Spring Bogatyr, fighting bravely for the sun, in the end rescues it from his icy captivity and grants it the power to "shine always and everywhere". People say that the changeable weather in the last days of February is a result of an irreconcilable struggle between these two mighty heroes. The good forces do not always win immediately; it often happens that the confrontation between these two Bogatyrs lasts for several weeks. Then the final victory of the Sun comes only on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox. From then on, Spring takes over and a new cycle of life begins.

On the cover: Spring flowers in a vase. The 20th century (fragment)
