August 10 is the birthday of the composer and conductor Alexander Glazunov
Glazunov’s creative work is universally recognized and is the integral part of the Russian classical musical heritage. His works give the aesthetic pleasure; they delight the audience with their spontaneous power and inner integrity, combined with wise clarity of thought, harmony and completeness of embodiment. The composer of the “transitional" period, which lies between the two epochs of the bright flourishing of Russian music, he was not an innovator and he did not discoverer new paths. Hence, a huge, perfect artisanship combined with vivid natural talent, richness and generosity of creative thought allowed him to create many works of high artistic value. As a teacher and public figure, Glazunov greatly contributed to the development and strengthening of the foundations of Russian musical culture. All this determines his composer significance in the Russian musical culture at the beginning of the 20th century as one of the central figures.
Musical selection of the outstanding composer creative works recorded from paper music rolls that are stored in the Museum Collection is in our SOUND LIBRARY.
Biography of Alexander Glazunov is in the section AUTHORS.
Source: Belcanto.ru Yu. Keldysh