
March 20, 2019 is the 355th birth anniversary of Johann Baptiste Homann, German engraver and cartographer

On March 20, 1664 Johann Baptiste Homann was born. He was a German engraver and cartographer, founder of the Cartographic Publishing House in Nurnberg, the leading map publisher in Germany in the 18th century.

Today, the ancient maps are unique historical documents. Handwritten or engraved, decorated with allegorical cartouches or sea panoramas, “inhabited” by people, animals or birds, they are perceived as works of art.

The Newest Universal Map of the whole Russian Empire, dated 1716, compiled by Johann Baptist Homann is stored in the Museum Collection.

The basis of the cartographic collection of the Museum is comprised of the engraved and lithographed maps of the territory of the Caucasus, dating back to the late 18th - early 20th centuries, reflecting the history of the region's incorporation in the Russian Empire.

Thematic photo album dedicated to the anniversary of Johann Baptiste Homann and to the Day of geodesy and cartography workers, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of March, in our Photo Gallery.

Biography of Johann Baptiste Homann is in the section AUTHORS.