
March 13, 2019 is the 240th birth jubelee of Vasily Demuth-Malinovsky, the Russian sculptor

Rather few works of the portrait genre comprise the creative heritage of Vasily Ivanovich Demuth-Malinovsky, the Russian artist and sculptor-monumentalist of the Empire era. The portrait bust of A.V. Suvorov, performed in 1814 is one of the most famous. Gypsum and bronze copies of this model are presented in a number of Russian museums; the same portrait in bronze is stored in the Museum Collection.

Portrait of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov by Vasily Ivanovich Demuth-Malinovsky.

The sculptural image of Suvorov is undoubtedly the creative success of Demuth-Malinovsky, which makes it possible to speak of a relatively early-unlocked talent of a portraitist - the sculptor was 35 years old at that time. Iconographic authenticity based on the variation of the textbook portrait of I.-G. Schmidt, combined with a romantic, emotionally deep image of the military commander, as if immersed in the memories of past campaigns.
The  biography of Vasily Ivanovich Demuth-Malinovsky is in the section AUTORS.

Quoted: Karpova E.V. Sculpture in Russia. Unknown heritage. The 8th-the beginning of the 20th centuries. St. Petersburg, Information-Publishing Agency "LIK"