Exhibition "Sculptor Paolo Troubetzkoy" is opented in the Tretyakov Gallery
The exhibition "Sculptor Paolo Trubetskoy" solemn opening ceremony took place in the Tretyakov Gallery Engineer Building on June 21, 2018.
Paolo Troubetzkoy occupies a special niche in the world art history. He was an impressionist sculptor that was endowed with an authentic and ingenious talent.
The majority of the works presented at the current exhibition were created in Europe and America and were previously unknown in Russia. They are provided by the Museum Collection.
The works, presented at the exhibition, such as the portrait of Bernard Shaw, portrait statuettes of Giacomo Puccini, Auguste Rodin and banker Pedro de Mora are deservedly considered the masterpieces of the collection. Portraits of the Vanderbilt and the Rothschild family members, writer Victoria Ocampo, dancer Tamara Swirskaya, Lady Constance Stuart-Richardson and a rare sculpture of Enrico Caruso are substantial and expressive. The portrait of the sculptor's wife Elin Trubetskoy adorns the collection.
The exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery had been opened in130 years since the arrival of Paolo Trubetskoy to Moscow in 1898. This date marked the beginning of his educational activities at the Moscow School of painting, sculpture and architecture. The first exposition of the sculptor's works took place the same year at the 18th exhibition of the Moscow Society of Art amateurs in the Historical Museum in Moscow.
The arrival of Paolo Troubetzkoy to Russia at the turn of centuries was a defining event. He breathed the courage for a new take-off into the Russian sculpture, and it flowed through different strata of the many-faced XX century in many respects with his direct involvement.
The contemporaries’ hopes for the renovation of Russian sculpture by the efforts of Paolo Troubetzkoy were justified. Many of his contemporaries became his "enthusiasts" - the sculptor in his own original and talented way responded to the aspirations of the era, engaged in the revision of strategies for creativity in a variety of vectors.
Photo album from the opening of the exhibition "Sculptor Paolo Troubetzkoy"
Cited from: Sculptor Paolo Trubetskoy / State Tretyakov Gallery. - M., 2018.