
Virtual album GLASS ART commemorating artist Émile Gallé (video, part 1) is published on the site.

Аdapted from: Museum Collection

This year we are celebrating the 170 th anniversary since the birth of the unique artist, one of founders of Art Deco style, French designer Émile Gallé. He was extremely talented and versatily gifted. Been born in the small town in P Lotharingia (fr. Lorraine) province, the son of the French industrialist who did not get systematic art education Gallé became the innovator who established the new interior décor style and many inventions connected with the production of art glass.

He was the first to use the multilayer colour glass technique, he started to use actively various supplements in his works - for example, adding foil or air bubbles in the hot glass pulp, trying to obtain the color and volume combinations emmarveling the mind. Émile Gallé worked out the technology of "a glass marquetry", enhanced the "moonlight" ("clair-de-lune") technique, based on using the cobalt oxides and giving a sapphire shade to glass. The so-called "verreries parlantes", or the "speaking" glass items with quotations from the works of François Villon, Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine and other poets became the peak of the creation of the artist.

We present the video about the collection of glass of the Art Deco period from funds of our Museum with the photos of unique works by Émile Gallé, Brothers Daum, Brothers Müller, Escalier de Cristal, Gabriel Argy-Rousseau, François Décorchemont, Burgun, Schverer et Cie, " Legra et Cie, Désiré Christian and son and the photos of works created in Saint-Louis Crystal plants.