01.06 — 30.06.2015
Historical events and memorials of June
Four masters whose works are exhibited in the museum Collection have birthday or jubilee in June. Russian sculptor Boris Eduards (1860-1924) would have tuned 115 years on June 8. He is the descendant of English merchants, who settled in Russia at the beginning of the XIXth century. Eduards was born in Odessa, he loved the town very much. Moreover, this master is still remembered and adored in Odessa. Eduards is known due to his monumental works. He has created several well-known images of Suvorov. A unique sculptural composition of Suvorov is among the museum exhibits.
The page of the author: http://collection-museum.com/en/the-authors/10379/
We celebrate the 185th anniversary of jeweler Pavel Ovchinnikov (1830-1888). Ovchinnikov was a serf by birth, but thanks to his talent, he became the major jeweler of Moscow, and later - the supplier of the Imperial Court and the King of Italy Court. Having noticed the talent of the boy, Volkonskiye's princes sent him to study the gold work and later manumitted him. Pavel Ovchinnikov married a fortune and could organize his own workshop, which developed into the firm “P. Ovchinnikov”. In 1853, the founder reorganized it to a jewellery factory. Pavel Ovchinnikov is regarded the creator of enamel jewellery in Russia. He organized his own jewellery school for training the gold and silver masters.
The page of the author: http://collection-museum.com/en/the-authors/10253/
Besides, we are celebrating the birthday of Manet-Katz (Manya Leyzerovich Katz) (1894-1962) in June. The sculptor was born in 1894 in the Poltava province, studied in Paris, joined the community of Montparnasse artists, lived in Petrograd. In 1958, Katz signed the agreement with Haifa municipality. In compliance with the document, the city had to build the house with a workshop for him, and the artist bequeathed to Haifa his works and the collection of rare items belonging to Jewish history and sciences. In 1957 at the age of 63 years Manet-Katz made a round-the-world voyage along the following route: Tel-Aviv - Tehran - Calcutta - Mumbai - Hong Kong - Tokyo - Honolulu - San Francisco - Miami - Chicago - New York - Paris. His works can be found in the most known museums of the world, for example, in the National Gallery of British Art (Tate Gallery) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
The page of the author: http://collection-museum.com/en/the-authors/10249/
German sculptor Wolf Albert Moritz (1854-1923), who became widely known after the presentation of his sculptural composition "Judith" at the Berlin Academic art exhibition in 1893 was born in June as well.
Moritz is known for his large-scale sculptural groups. He is the author of Military memorials in Germany and the USA, a memorial in honor of the Marine expeditionary force in South West Africa, a horse monument to the Kaiser William I.