Items with musical mechanism and automaton

Musical fob seal

    Musical fob seal


    Circa 1820

    Gold, steel, brass, red stones; mechanical work, relief chasing, soldering, engraving

    4.8 x 3.0 x 2.4 cm


    Golden fob is in the form of oval case containing miniature musical movement with the handle in the shape of volumetric thin-wall ring. The case bottom is closed by polished lid with more recent engraving, “Horatio Nelson to Lady Hamilton”. The case convex upper side and handle are decorated with the chased floral ornament.
    Rod with circular engraved suspension at the end, which serves to wind the musical movement passes through the handle. The rod Inside the ring is decorated with four red faceted stones in denticulate setting. The miniature spring-driven musical movement is comprised of pinned cylinder and stack of tuned slats. Flat slider located on the case lateral side activates the mechanism.

