Items with musical mechanism and automaton

Musical fob seal

    Musical fob seal


    Circa 1820

    Steel, brass; mechanical work, chasing, soldering, gilding

    4.2 x 2.8 x 2.4 cm


    Gilded fob made of thin metal in the form of oval case containing a miniature musical movement with handle. The case side surface is adorned with corrugation. The case bottom is closed with polished flat lid fixed with two screws. The movement activating sliding lever is on the lid lateral surface of the lid. Handle consisting of two identical ornately shaped oval parts connected at the top is attached to the smooth convex upper side. Polished sphere, supported on the sides by openwork double wire brackets is mounted at the junction. The ovals are fastened with wire rings at the bottom. Ornamental hemispherical element is inside one of them. Embossed figurines of walking lions are fixed inside the ovals. The handle is attached to the case surface with miniature convex supports. Rod with ring suspension at the end passes through the handle, serving to wind the musical movement. Miniature musical movement with spring engine is comprised of pinned cylinder and stack of eight tuned slats.

