Mantel and Table Clocks

Mantel clock with musical movement

    Mantel clock with musical movement

    сirca 1850

    Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugène

    Bronze, glass, fabric (silk), feathers; сarving, painting, gilding

    Height 54 cm


    Mantel clock with half an hour/hour chime and automaton that is activated every hour and can be activated manually; produced for the Chinese market: "The Shell Man". Ormolu case, high rectangular smooth case with applied ornamentation. Square base on four volute feet with chased acanthus frieze; front with tendrils, Chinese rose petals and stylized Chinese dragons. Cornice decorated with flowers, tendrils and tracery. The shell man in Chinese clothing sits on top. He lifts and lowers two caps on the table. Simultaneously two coloured balls change their position; the man also moves his head and body. View of a Chinese city with pagodas is in the background. The button for activating the automaton is on the lateral side.

