Cage with three singing birds
Cage with three singing birds
Circa 1890
Metal, steel, leather, fabric, brass, painted feathers; presswork, casting, gilding, mechanical work
Height 19 cm
Cage is made of straight metal rods with dome and goldish color suspension in the upper part. The cage is mounted on tubular shaped metal base with regular pattern on matte surface, on three supports. Rack with cross bar, on which a bird in motley plumage with long tail sits, a curved branch with green leaves and red berries is next to it, near which two birds in multicolored plumage are sitting, is mounted on the base upper panel, covered with green velvet. Cam mechanism with bellows, small piccolo pipe, spring drive with an aperture and winding pin on the bottom panel and button for activating the movement are inside the base. When the movement is activated the upper bird warbles, turns around, opens and closes its beak, turns its head, moves its wings and tail, two other birds tilt and raise their heads, imitating pecking beadlets.