Russian Sculptures

Statuette Zubr (Bizon)

    Statuette Zubr (Bizon)

    Russia, St. Petersburg

    Сirca 1860

    N. Putilov's Factory

    Bronze; casting, patinating

    29.5 х 25.5 х 16.5 сm

    Inscription in Cyrillic on obverse: “Въ воспоминание Охоты въ Бъловъжскоiй Пущъ въ ВЫСОЧАЙШЕМЪ присутствiи ГОСУДАРЯ ИМПЕРАТОРА АЛЕКСАНДРА IIго 6 и 7го ОКТЯБРЯ 1860” (In commemoration of hunting in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha in the HIGHEST presence of the Emperor ALEXANDER on the 6th and 7th of October, 1860). Below: “Заводъ Н Путилова” (N. Putilov’s plant). Names of the event participants and the trophies are listed on the side and rear surfaces


    Statuette Zubr is a reduced replica of the monument commemorating the hunting of the Emperor Alexander II in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on October 6-7, 1860. Several copies were cast, five of which were donated to the foreign participants of the hunt.

    A similar statuette is stored in the State Historical Museum (casted by N. Sokolov).

