Lapidary Works of Art and Ivories

"The mischievous mouse"

    "The mischievous mouse"

    Germany, Idar-Oberstein


    Peustler, Michael

    Agate, white cacholong opal, rock crystal, 18K gold; carving, polishing

    12.7 x 11.4 x 10 cm

    Signature: "M.Peustler". Date: "2011"


    Natural agate geode forms the backdrop in this scene of a mischievous mouse preparing to drink some spilled milk. The interior cavity of agate is lined with botryoidal growth and displays natural veining of white, which must have inspired the artist to create the subject originally.
    A bottle carved frpm rock crystal quartz pours out the last drop of milk that, suggested by the addition of white cacholong opal from the Caspian Sea forming the milk drop. Naturalistically rendered mouse, complete with texturing of fur, was carved from more translucent agate with red veining, while its tail and whiskers are made from 18K yellow gold wire.

