Lapidary Works of Art and Ivories

Seal preform "Atlantes"

    Seal preform "Atlantes"

    Russia, the Urals

    late 19th - early 20th centuries

    Rock crystal; carving, grinding, polishing

    Height 12.0 cm


    Seal preform shaped in the form of the kneeling Atlantes, holding a sphere on his shoulders. The figure is on a small round pedestal. The smooth mirror polished sphere makes a striking contrast with the matt surface of the figurine itself. "Iconography of Atlantes, resting on the bent knee, goes back to the sculpture "Farnese Atlas".

    "The image of standing on one knee titanium Atlantes (or Atlas in Greek) was depicted in the first collections of geographic maps in the 16th century. Those map collections assumed the name of the mythological person - Atlas. The Celestial sphere on his shoulders was replaced by an image of the Globe. The etchings with similar images adorned the front pages of geographic atlases".

    (Quoted from: Carl Faberge and stone-cutting craftsmen. Russian semiprecious stones treasures". M., 2011. p.294)

