Russian Enamel

Ovoid-shaped tea caddy with detachable lid

Ovoid-shaped tea caddy with detachable lid

Russian Empire, Moscow


A.Kuzmichev bronze and silverware factory

Silver, enamel, cork; champleve enamel, chasing, repousse, carving, gilding

Height 12.5 cm

Marks: “АК”; tee of Moscow District Assay department 1899-1908 with alloy “88”; “made for Tiffany & Co”


Ovoid-shaped tea caddy with round neck and detachable lid is decorated in the Neo-Russian style. Four compositions of fancy flowers on triangular stems-bases framed by herbs with flowers and ornamental monograms realized in champleve enamel are the tea caddy body. The tea caddy lid is ornamented with twirly curls and stripe of floral pattern realized in champleve enamel. The enamels color scheme is based on the combination of green, white, blue, purple, red and turquoise shades.

