Russian Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Glass with portraits of Emperor Nicholas I and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (based on the engravings by F. Kruger and T. Wright)

    Glass with portraits of Emperor Nicholas I and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (based on the engravings by F. Kruger and T. Wright)

    Russian Empire, Saint-Petersburg

    The 1840s

    P. Semechkin and K. Terebenev workshop, Imperial Glass factory

    Translucent blue (cobalt) glass; blowing, faceting, lithography, painting with gold and silver

    Height 6.8 cm; diameter 6.8 cm


    Glass of transparent blue (cobalt) glass, barrel-shaped, with narrow vertical facet on the bottom part. The glass surface is decorated with two quadrangular reserves with black-and-white lithographed shoulder-length portraits of Emperor Nicholas I and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, made according the engravings of the 1830s from the original by F. Kruger and T. Wright. Both images are placed in oval medallions of laurel and oak leaves, surrounded by was trophies. Reserves are emphasized by gold rim. Clear space between them is filled with floral painting realized in gold and silver color. All facets are rimmed with gold.

