Russian Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Glass from the own service of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna made for Cottage Palace

    Glass from the own service of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna made for Cottage Palace

    Russian Empire, Saint-Petersburg


    Imperial Glass Factory, upon the project of architect Ivan Ivanov (1779-1848)

    Colourless translucent glass, blue glass (cobalt); blowing, faceting, grinding, onlay Height 8.2 cm, diameter 7.7 cm


    Conical colourless translucent crystal is decorated with the belts of large “plain diamonds” (“pyramidal diamonds” or “pineapple” facets) on the bottom part, ornately shaped double-row facet “bamboo leaves” in the central part and small “pyramidal diamonds” with optical facets in the upper part. Onlay in the shape of heraldic shield of cobalt (blue) glass with the painted emblem of a chaplet of white roses pierced by a sword, enlaced by the motto: "For Faith, Tsar and Motherland” is on the glass "front" side, in rectangular smooth reserve. The pronounced lips’ edge is with smooth bevel.


    Инв. 2646/ДПИ