Russian Glass Art and Ceramic Art

Mug with the hinged lid and cameo incrustation

    Mug with the hinged lid and cameo incrustation

    Russian Empire, Saint-Petersburg

    Mid-19th century

    Imperial Glass factory

    Laminated glass, bronze, biscuit; knurling, grinding, gilding ,cameo incrustation (sulfides, crystal ceramics), blowing

    Height 15.2 cm, diameter (top edge) 7.4 cm


    Mug made of multi-layered (clear colorless, milky and turquoise) glass with the handle and hinged lid with the heel support that as is round glass medallion set in gilded bronze. Narrowed in the middle cylindrical body, with profiled upper and lower parts, is decorated with elongated ovals with lenses at the top and bottom. The glass medallion of the lid is decorated with relief profile portrait of a man made of white paste using the technique of cameo incrustation. Profiled bronze setting is decorated with a belt of lozenges and stylized pearls; the heel-support is in the form of a plant leaf.

